Thursday, April 9, 2015

Getting to know Barco

While working with my mentor, Robert, I needed to learn more about his company, Barco. Barco is one of the leading suppliers of projectors in the world. It's main purpose is to make your movie, or even a concert, a great experience. They manufacture all sorts of products; From projectors to screens, and everything in between. Barco's purpose is to "design and develop networked visualization products for entertainment markets." Barco has been around since 1934 to make your movie going experience worth the price of the tickets. Another great thing I learned about Barco is that they have 24/7 assistance.
If you bought one of their projectors and it starts to malfunction, you can connect to their staff around the clock. So they have amazing customer service. In a world where technology is everything, you have to stay up to date and keep coming up with new and innovative ideas; This is exactly what Barco has done. Last year Barco released it new system, EscapeBarco Escape
Escape is a 3 screen movie format that allows broader view of the movie. The first film that movie goers had the chance to go watch was The Maze Runner. What's even more amazing about Escape is that my mentor actually had a hand in creating this system.

Total hours:4

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